
Reflection about Google Practical Tools

The most interesting, useful, enjoyable and knowledgeable project in MIS course was about Google tools practically. In this project the whole class applied a new tool and was teaching us what it is? How to use it? And also I discovered much more new stuff about each Google tools. After each session I was gaining a lot of information and then I was applying it in my studies to improve my skills. I really felt comfortable, satisfied, pleased and suitable by using the Google tools.
First of all, the first tool that I felt that in need during my studies that when I used the tool of google search for the report of Satellite industry, so I was receiving emails that included articles and information regarding that topic. Also, I used the google finance in one of my accounting projects that was looking for an income statement and balance sheet for any private company worldwide and google finance assist me a lot.
In addition, youtube is another google tool that I felt so useful, interesting and informative, because I was using it for the studies, personal and fun purpose. What’s more, that I used the goole calendar by create different calendar with different tasks by coloring each one in diverse color and share it with my friends. Furthermore, I knew Picasa google tool but I wasn’t using it a lot because I wasn’t aware how to use it very good, after the session I become expert is using that tool. I used in editing many pictures, adding some text on it and doing some videos.
Additionally, I always use the gmail google tool that I really felt easier than the one that I usually use. There are some features that I liked like, filtering the email from different emails that I don’t want to receive them anymore. Also, I can categorize the emails as my choice plus withdrawing all the emails that I have from any other email like the college email or my personal email form hotmail. Moreover, I used the blog google tool that was another requirement as a part for MIS project to do it, where I can post many various photos and videos in diverse topics besides I can share it with my friends or not as I like. Also, Google Docs helped me a lot in writing a group report. So, we can all edit, add, delete and much more to do in the same document and all of us can be updated with the latest ones.
Finally, Google practical tools support me a lot during my studies plus I discovered and learned new stuff in that specific project. It reduces my time and save it while I use those dissimilar Google tools like, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Chrome, Google Desktop and so many that may aid you in your practical life.

A Strange Phenomenon Because of the Earthquake and Tsunami Japan!!!

Migrated swarms of sardines and mackerel and Alancovi Alakabolko to the shores of Mexico and approached significantly and huge amount of sandy beaches and the scientists analyzed that this phenomenon holds as a result of earthquake and tsunami Japan.

Japanese Divorce

Actually the couple goes the judge for the divorce and he will ask them to bring their rings and he will give them the hammer and they should hold it by one hand and keep knocking on the rings till it broke up. After that the divorced process are done and each one will have their own way of life.
I think is so impressing way of divorcing and maybe while the couple knocking the rings to broke it up they will be having some emotional to not divorce and stay together!!!

Strongest girl in Britain

There is a Britain girl 11 years old, she can carry weights equivalent to the weight or equivalent of 28 bags of sugar on her head. She spends 12 hours per week in the halls for exercise training under her brother supervision as well her mother with her.
And nowadays most of the girls can’t carry their own bags!!!

Hublot 2 Million Euro Big Bang

This watch is from the white gold 18 carat and there are 637 pieces of diamond, with a total diamond of 140 carats only.

Guggenheim Museum - New York

One of the artists in Guggenheim Museum covered the walls with $100,000 of $1 sort which is around 367,300 Dhs. It will be showed for the public from 20 May till 2nd November 2011. After the exhibition he will be collecting his money and take them back to his home.

Last Day on DWC

On Wednesday 8th June 2011 is my last day in the college as a Bachelor student in Business and Management – Accounting Major. I really will be missing the studies, my teachers, the works, pressures and much more. Besides, I will be missing my classmates, my friends and especially my group members. Of course I will be contacting them but not like nowadays. I really had very wonderful moments during the DWC life. I had gained and learned a lot from knowledge, skills, meeting new friends, new teachers, the Bazzar event, sport days, national day and so many events during the DWC life. I believe that I am ready now to the practical life, because with DWC I obtained the new skills and I had the ability that to be ready beside the courses that were required for our specific majors. I think that were some strict rules annoying us but still that were in our benefit. I thank the entire teachers who taught me plus the whole DWC staff and who collaborate with me in my study and keeping me optimistic.