
Last Day on DWC

On Wednesday 8th June 2011 is my last day in the college as a Bachelor student in Business and Management – Accounting Major. I really will be missing the studies, my teachers, the works, pressures and much more. Besides, I will be missing my classmates, my friends and especially my group members. Of course I will be contacting them but not like nowadays. I really had very wonderful moments during the DWC life. I had gained and learned a lot from knowledge, skills, meeting new friends, new teachers, the Bazzar event, sport days, national day and so many events during the DWC life. I believe that I am ready now to the practical life, because with DWC I obtained the new skills and I had the ability that to be ready beside the courses that were required for our specific majors. I think that were some strict rules annoying us but still that were in our benefit. I thank the entire teachers who taught me plus the whole DWC staff and who collaborate with me in my study and keeping me optimistic.

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